Sunday, 21 February 2016

200L Mock MCQ


1.       The cell membrane has a thickness of about 7.5nm.
2.       Proteins make up on average, 50% of the mass of the cell membrane.
3.       Perioxisome are found in the microsomal fraction of cells.
4.       Each connexons is made up of eight protein subunits called connexions.
5.       Sodium-potassium ATPase extrudes four Na+ from the cell and take two k+ into the cell.
6.       The inner membrane of the mitochondria is folded in the form of inward projections called cisternae.
7.       Apoptosis can simply be called cell suicide.
8.       Necrosis can also be called cell death.
9.       Pinocytosis is otherwise called cell eating.
10.   Osmosis is an example of active transport.
11.   Myelinated axons conduct up to 50times faster than unmyelinted fibres.
12.   Depolarization of nerve fibres involves the outflow of k+ from the inside of the cell.
13.   Summation occurs in action potential.
14.   The membrane potential of red blood cell is -80mv.
15.   Conduction in opposite direction along the nerve fibre is called orthodrommbic conduction.
16.   Zinc endopeptidase blocks the release of neurotransmitters.
17.   Conduction of nerve impulse is very rapid and faster than that of electricity.
18.   The electrical events in neurons are rapid and is measured in millivolts.
19.   There is condensation of Na+-K+ ATPase at each node of ranvier of nerve cell.
20.   Diffusion of gases obeys fick’s Law.
21.   Phagocytosis is an example of exocytosis.
22.   Interior of the lysosome is hypotonic to the cytoplasm.
23.   The equilibrium potential of Na+ is +60.
24.   The extracellular fluid but not the intracellular fluid is regarded as the internal environment.
25.   The ph of the E.C.F is slightly acidic.
26.   Blood volume is about 3600ml in a physiologic man.
27.   Inactive bone marrow that is filtered with fat is called the yellow marrow.
28.   35% of the cells in the bone marrow are maturing red cells.
29.   Heamatopoietic stem cells are uncommitted tortipotent stem cells.
30.   The average half-life of neutrophils in circulation is about 3hours.
31.   Neutrophils and macrophages are the only cells that mediate innate immunity.
32.   Platelets lack nuclei.
33.   Splenectomy causes thrombocytosis.
34.   Sahli’s test is a technique used to analyse the haemoglobin content of the blood
35.   Blood flow can be measured using a plethysmograph.
36.   Concerning blood coagulation, factor 10 is known as the Christmas factor.
37.   Reducing temperature to about 5 degrees Celsius postpones blood coagulation.
38.   Hypoxia stimulates the production of red blood cells.
39.   Microphagess present the liver are called kupffer cells.

40.   Haemoglobin helps in transport of both oxygen and carbon (iv) oxide.

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