University is a time of creative, intellectual and personal expression; a time to discover who you are, what interests you, what motivates you, and what gets you up in the morning (or early afternoon). University is a great place to try out everything you have always been meaning to try, and in this process, discover and develop new talents.
The problem is that it goes too fast. Blink and you’ll miss it. So to help, we checked in with students past and present, as well as our current graduates, to hear their experiences, to help us compile our tips for making the most of your student life.
1. Meet new people
Meet as many people as you can. You’ll probably never get a chance like this again, so make the most of it. And remember, everyone is in the same boat. You’re just as likely to meet your future best friend in the queue at the freshers’ fair, as you are to fall in love on the way to the library. And finally, a strong network will support you at University and in your future career. That person you made friends with in the lunch queue that time, they may happen to be hugely successful in 20 years’ time and looking for someone ‘just like you’.
2. Avoid doing the bare minimum
It’s easy to fall in to the trappings of the ‘lazy’ student – but don’t! Now it’s easier said than done, but:
• Try to attend all your classes (no matter how close to 9am they’re scheduled)
• Keep up with the workload and don’t leave it until the very last day to begin a piece of work
• If you need to miss a class or don’t think you can meet an assessment deadline, chat to your lecturer or tutor so that they can provide guidance
3. Try new things
University is a time you can expand your horizons and push your boundaries, so get out and try something new
4. Join a club or society
There are so many clubs and societies out there to join! It’s your chance to try something different. There’s tennis, football, juggling, dance, skiing ultimate Frisbee, competitive ironing, you name it! Give it a go. What’s the worst that can happen? If nothing else, you’ve met a new group of people (see point 1). It has also been shown that there is a strong correlation between a sense of belonging and the feeling of happiness.
5. Take advantage of work experience programs
Many of the skills you’ll need once you graduate aren’t taught in a lecture theatre, and nothing beats real life work experience. These type of programmes aren’t always the easiest to find, and can seem daunting to apply for, but when you do, you’ll reap big rewards. Don’t take it from us, take it from one of the Shell Ideas360 2014 winners, Sami Sayegh: “Competitions like Shell Ideas360 require students to immerse themselves in a subject and acquire skills and experience in several different fields. This type of immersive education is becoming increasingly important for engineering students and what they do after”
Registration is still open for Shell Ideas360. Submit your idea here, before Midday (GMT) Friday 22 January 2016 https://shellideas360.twinehr.com/register
Good one